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Facial tightening, skin rejuvenation without surgery, with absorbable bio-threads

It is a gentle but incredibly effective lifting treatment without cuts, wounds and surgery. Its effect is immediately visible and there is no recovery time. The bio-absorbable threads do not cause the so-called “rigid face” side effect, which is typical of other facial filling procedures. As a result of the treatment a new “collagen skeleton” is formed, and the sagging skin and contour lines regain their firmness.

What beauty problems can bio-thread lifting be used for?

  • if the skin is sagging
  • if the skin has lost its flexibility
  • if the contour lines are blurred
  • nyaki és dekoltázs-táji ráncokra
  • neck and décolleté wrinkles
  • forehead and eye wrinkles
  • nasolabial folds
  • reduction of fat pads (double-chin)

It is possible to treat several problems together at the same time. In that case I use different types of threads (Mono, Twin, Screw, Double Screw, Cog, etc.) to achieve the optimal effect.

What effects does the treatment have?

Around the bio-thread a tissue-regenerating process begins, which helps a new collagen network to be formed, making the skin firmer and more elastic. The treatment stimulates blood circulation and results in glowing skin. It improves the structure and elasticity of the skin, and smoothes both surface and deep wrinkles. A hatás a kezelést követő 2 hét elteltével látható. A kezelés szükség szerint 3 -6 hónap után ismételhető.

How is the treatment performed?

During the treatment thin bio-threads are inserted into the loose connective tissue under the skin to the desired areas. Following facial contour lines, the threads will be positioned to smooth out deep wrinkles and lift the sagging surfaces. The treatment is almost completely painless, mivel kezelés előtt krém formájában lokális érzéstelenítést is alkalmazok. Mindössze 30-60 percet vesz igénybe. A beszúrás helye gyorsan gyógyul, nem hagy maga után sem nyomot, sem heget. 

Does it have any side effects?

Minimálisak csak. A kezelést követően esetleg véraláfutások ( 5%) , illetve ideiglenes bőrfelület érzékenyebbé válik. Semmi teendő nincs, magától elmúlik pár nap alatt.
